How To Remove My Name From Google Search For Free: Scrub Your Identity Off The Internet

Scrubbing your name off of search engines is integral to protecting your privacy. If you’ve ever asked, “can I remove my name from Google?” or wondered about the search engines removal request process, this article will be your ultimate guide.
There are many reasons why one would like to remove their name from Google, and the most daunting reason is to protect your personally identifiable information from being accessible to the public through search engines.
Although search results aren’t the only place where your information can be displayed, other search engines’ content usually mirrors what’s available on Google searches. If you aren’t happy with the search results you see when you type in your name, here’s how to remove it from Google searches.
Reasons to Scrub Your Name from Google Searches
Removing your name from Google searches is a great way to protect your privacy and secure your personal information from identity theft. In today’s digital age, it’s easy to take your personal information from Google and share and expose it online. Here are five reasons you should consider removing your name from Google search results.
1. Protect Your Identity
Your name and personal info can be easily accessed online. Removing your name from Google can help protect your identity and keep your personal contact information from being exposed.
This is especially important if you’re applying for a job, as potential employers could use Google to find out more about you. The search engine is one place to look for someone. Since some site owner web page content includes personal information about people, you can file removal requests to have them taken down.
When you remove your personal info from the public record, there is a high chance that you can preserve your digital footprint. This also helps you prevent any access to your bank details through public records or phone numbers.
2. Prevent Unwanted Contact
Unwanted contacts can reach you if your name is available on Google’s search results. Removing your name can help protect you from getting unsolicited calls, emails, or messages.
Another highly dangerous result that can stem from leaving your personal information from Google unguarded is those bad actors could gain access to your location via Google maps. With a little research, your personal information could lead to your home address.
Once a bad actor finds your address on Google maps, the site owner of the web pages where they found the information is generally not that liable for any damages that could happen. To protect yourself, it is better to have your personal information wiped out from Google maps or any other website.
What’s worse is that these bad actors could gain easy access to a street view photo which can violate your privacy preferences. This also leaves you open to bad actors with harassing intent.
With access to your street view, you open your doors to physical harassment or other possible harmful scenarios. You must remove content from street view immediately to avoid any unwanted contact.
3. Remove Inaccurate Information
It can be difficult to remove if someone else has posted inaccurate information about you online. Removing your name from Google’s search algorithm can help prevent these false and damaging posts from appearing in search results.
This also prevents any site owner from using relevant search terms on the search engine to tag you in inaccurate posts. This also prevents the engine from tagging your old or new social media accounts in any news articles, newspaper archives, or any offending content on Google.
4. Avoid Embarrassing Photos and Posts
If someone has posted embarrassing photos or posts about you online, removing your name from Google can help ensure that these posts don’t appear in search results. You can avoid allowing third-party websites to tag your social media accounts with unflattering photos.
When you remove your personal info online, you no longer allow a site owner or data brokers to use information from your online profiles for their personal gain. Information appears with the right searches, but by scrubbing it off public records, you can have your personal data removed.
5. Curb Cyberbullying
If you’re the victim of cyberbullying, removing your name from Google can help keep the abuser from finding your personal information and harassing you further. When you remove your personal information online, you opt out of the chance of being cyberbullied.
Since the removal process helps hide your information from people you don’t want to see and gives you more control, you can opt out of giving cyberbullies anything to come at you. To take things a step further, you can remove your personal information from data brokers to opt out of having your information displayed to anyone online.
While Google announced that they are strictly against cyberbullying, removing personal information that could be used against you online is still important to avoid having your data fall into the wrong hands.
Steps to Follow to Remove Personal Information from Google Search
There are a few steps to remove your data from any search on Google. Here they are:
Use the Google Remove URL Tool
Google’s URL Removal Tool is a powerful and free tool that can be used to protect your privacy from unwanted search engine information. It lets you quickly remove your name and other data from Google search results.
The URL Removal Tool is a great way to keep unwanted data from appearing in Google searches. It is easy to use and can help protect your privacy and reputation. The tool is free and can be used in a few simple steps.
First, you need to have a Google Account. Once you have an account, you can access the URL Removal Tool. You will then be asked to provide the URL of the page that contains your name or data.
You can also specify the type of information you want to remove, such as your name, phone number, or address. Next, you will be asked to confirm your inquiry before submitting it. Once you submit the request, Google will review your request and remove the specified information from the search results.
It usually takes a few days for the removal to take effect. Google’s URL Removal Tool is a great way to protect your privacy and reputation. It is free and can be used to quickly remove your name and other data from Google search results. With
As long as your request pertains to legitimate reasons why your data should be removed from a search on Google, most of the Google work will be approved.
Block Website Publishers from Posting Your Personal Information
Unfortunately, it’s too easy for site publishers to post your data online, and sometimes it can be difficult to remove it. However, you can use a few strategies to block site publishers from publishing your data and remove your name from Google searches without spending a dime.
First, you should create an online presence different from your real name. You can do this by using a pseudonym or creating a separate social media account. This way, when site publishers search for your name, they won’t be able to find it.
Second, you should check to see if any sites publishing your contact data have an opt-out feature. Many sites allow you to exit having your contact info published on the internet, which is a great way to remove your name from Google.
Third, you should consider filing a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) complaint. The DMCA is a federal law that protects online authors and publishers from having their work stolen or misused. If you believe that sites publish your personal information on websites on the internet without your permission, you can submit a DMCA complaint to have the sites remove your name from Google.
Finally, it would help if you considered contacting the website owner directly. If you can’t find an opt-out feature or submit a DMCA complaint, you can contact the web owner and politely appeal that they remove your name.
With the DMCA, most of the time, you must fill out a form to have them remove personal information on Google. After you’ve filled out the form and check any box indicating your appeal, you can click submit and have it taken down.
Contact Web Hosts or Owners of Websites
Once you’ve identified the websites displaying your name, you’ll need to get in touch with the web hosts or site owners to ask for the removal of your name from their results. You can typically find the information for the web host or site owners on the website itself.
When you reach out to the web hosts or site owners, explain why you’re asking to remove your name from their results. Be polite and concise in your ask. In some cases, web hosts or site owners may require you to provide proof of your identity before they remove your name from their results.
It’s important to note that while it is possible to get in touch with web hosts or site owners to remove your name from results on the internet for free, the process can be time-consuming. It may take several weeks or even months before you start to see the results of your efforts.
Since the internet is a vast place, employing the help of a tech expert to find which websites are displaying accurate results on doxxing content regarding your data is important. With critical information like your maiden name originally published on different sites, it is important to have that information removed.
Use Search Engine Privacy Settings
The first step to remove your name from Google for free is to create a Google account. Once you have a Google account, you can go to the “My Account” page and click “Privacy & Security.” On this page, you’ll find several different settings that you can use to manage the way your information is shared and discovered online.
The “Do Not Track” feature is one of the most important settings. This will prevent Google from tracking your online activity, including searches. This means that Google won’t be able to use your history to provide personalized results.
This setting will also stop Google from using your data for targeted ads. Another setting you can use is the “Remove Your Name from Google Search” setting. This will stop Google from displaying your name in results.
To enable this setting, simply click the checkbox, and your name will be removed from Google results. Finally, you can also take advantage of the “Google+ Privacy Settings.” This setting will allow you to control who can view your Google+ profile, posts, and activity.
You can make your profile private or visible only to certain people. This is a great way to ensure that your data is kept out of the public eye. It is important to note that even incognito mode will not completely save you from a page showing old advertisements or links to other info based on your data.
If you want a page to completely back off and not use any of your info, you should enable the “Do Not Track” feature.
How do I remove my name from Google?
To remove your name from Google, you can use the online removal tool found at This tool allows you to appeal the removal of specific URLs from Google’s results. You can also submit a request to the Data Protection Authority in your country to have your data deleted.
How long does it take for my name to be removed from Google?
It typically takes around a week for your name to be removed from Google. However, it can take longer, depending on the URL and the complexity of the request.
How do I remove my name from other search engines?
To remove your name from other search engines, you must submit a removal appeal to each search engine.
Is it possible to remove my entire name from Google?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely remove your name from Google. However, you can request the removal of specific URLs from Google’s results.
Are there any risks associated with removing my name from Google?
Removing your name from Google can have some risks. If you are concerned about privacy, you should consider the potential consequences of removing your name from Google.
Contact InternetPrivacy Today to Scrub Your Name Off Google
InternetPrivacy has assisted thousands of people in getting their names off the internet or just on Google search. Our team is skilled in contacting the right agencies to ensure that your data is scrubbed off sites that show your info without you knowing. We’ve worked with clients on removing data from collectors’ websites like Whitepages, Spokeo, Nuwber, CheckPeople, etc. Our service is designed to help you gain full control of your digital footprint.
We thoroughly scan the web to look at every listing with your name and personal details. If you’ve had the last straw with your name being blatantly listed on broker platforms like SpyFly and Whitepages, hit up InternetPrivacy today for a free online analysis.