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Category: Social Media

A businessman holding a tablet with social network icons on it.

The Risks of Exposing Personal Life on Professional Networks

As you walk the tightrope between personal and professional life online, it’s crucial to remember that one slip could mean

January 26, 2024
A woman holding a tablet with a subscribe to your newsletter button.

How to Keep Your Email Subscriptions Private and Secure

While you might believe that email subscriptions are trivial and unlikely to pose a security threat, it’s essential to recognize

January 4, 2024
hacker searching for digital trace

How Hackers Track and Exploit Your Digital Trace

What is your digital trace, and how do hackers exploit it? Our Privacy Protection team provides answers. What Is Digital

Peek You

What is Peek You and How Can I Remove My Information?

Peek You collects information about you. Learn how to remove it to protect your digital privacy with our guide. PeekYou

July 21, 2022
social media and cyberbullying

Social Media And Cyberbullying: How To Keep Your Teenager Safe

In this modern digital age, all parents should be well informed about social media and cyberbullying. Why? Because your child

group of friends following the latest tiktok trends

TikTok Trends & Dangers To Look Out For

Ready to follow the latest TikTok trends? Read this article first to understand the dangers of sharing content and personal

September 3, 2021
privacy on instagram

Privacy On Instagram: Best Settings, Facts, And Tips

Even though many of us can’t conceive our lives without social media, the topic of privacy and security in these

June 4, 2021
What are the current social media security risks for businesses?

Social Media Security Risks for Businesses: Dangers and What to Know

The importance of social media marketing, especially for building brand awareness, is well known. However, social media security risks for

April 16, 2021
women reading about linkedin identity theft

LinkedIn Identity Theft Risks

Overview On LinkedIn And Identity Theft LinkedIn is a job hunter’s best friend. With 660 million users in 2020, the

Protect Your Identity on Facebook -

6 Steps to Protect Your Identity on Facebook

Are there any ways to protect your identity on Facebook? Assess your Facebook timeline. Odds are that with hardly any